Large Lilac Bouquet in Wicker Basket


The bouquet consists of 10 roses, 2 hyacinths, 1 sunflower

You will love those Bouquets in particular, they almost look like real flowers.

Bouquets are artistically arranged and beautifully presented.

They are a perfect addition for a relaxing romantic bath.

Beautifully packed, Soap Flowers are a perfect gift for Mother’s Day or just a little treat for yourself.

Just add one or two roses to your warm bath, relax and watch the cute flowers dissolve right before your very eyes. Why not mix a few bath bombs with it.

You will surely enjoy colourful water and great scent, leaving your skin soft, silky, and smelling wonderfully

Order today. These Bath Flowers are a stunning gift, sure to delight.

Materials / Ingredients:- Glycerine, Dodecyl Sodium Sulfate, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Cocamidopropyl Betaine

Cocamide DEA, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Perfume, Aqua,

(+/- CI 19140, CI 42090, CI 18050, CI 47005, CI 16255, CI 14720, CI 45430)

  • Product Code: SFB-22
  • Availability: In Stock